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Take the manual effort out of vacation planning and give
your team the tools to help plan during peak times.

Vacation Planning -Feature (1)
Minutes To Fill A Shift
Employee Schedules Tracked Daily
0 K+
Shifts Filled A Month
0 K+
Faster Shift Callout Process
0 x

Vacation Planning

Streamline organization-wide vacation bidding to optimize vacation utilization while maintaining staffing requirements. Vocantas vacation planning enables staff to select their vacation preferences and applies your organization’s internal rules. Vocantas’ smart workflows automatically prioritize vacation allocation, reducing manual processes. Once the vacation dates’ statuses are updated, employees are notified to take action.

How it Works

Vacation Planning

Broadcast Shift Offers Icon

1. Launch Vacation Planning Process

Schedulers send a notification to employees that the vacation planning process is beginning and they should log into their portal to select their preferred vacation.
Employees Login to Portal icon

2. Employees Log Vacation Data

Employees log into the portal and select their preferred week(s) of vacation. Manage busy vacation periods with ease.
Launch Callout icon

3. Evaluate Vacation Plan

Vocantas notifies your schedulers who should be awarded the preferred vacation week based on accruals, seniority and any other rules configured in Vocantas or workforce management system.
Shifts Get Filled icon

4. Vacation Confirmation/Reselection

Employees are notified if they have been granted their preferred vacation date or if they need to select another vacation time
Broadcast Shift Offers Icon

1. Launch Vacation Planning Process

Schedulers send a notification to employees that the vacation planning process is beginning and they should log into their portal to select their preferred vacation.
Employees Login to Portal icon

2. Employees Log Vacation Data

Employees log into the portal and select their preferred week(s) of vacation. Manage busy vacation periods with ease.
Launch Callout icon

3. Evaluate Vacation Plan

Communicate notifies your schedulers who should be awarded the preferred vacation week based on accruals, seniority and any other rules configured in your Communicate solution or workforce management system.
Shifts Get Filled icon

4. Vacation Confirmation/Reselection

Employees are notified if they have been granted their preferred vacation date or if they need to select another vacation time

Features and Benefits

Plan with Ease

Reduce Time

Remove the extensive time commitment involved in managing paper based vacation planning.

Reduce Costs

Reallocate FTE resources by making your vacation planning more efficient.

Increase Employee Satisfaction

Give your employees the power to be involved in their vacation planning in real time.


Every action is tracked and reportable during the vacation planning process. Reduce grievances with trackable bread crumbs.

Ease of Use

Employees use the same employee portal as Vocantas, making it quick and easy to use. The employee portal is accessible via mobile device or web browser.

Deep Integrations

Vocantas Vacation Planning integrates directly to your workforce management system, meaning planned vacation time is automatically updated and recorded.

We Keep Your Data Safe

Security Certifications

Vocantas takes data security seriously. In addition to being SOC Type 2 certified, we are continuously investing into the highest standard of security compliance.

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